Best Python IDE and Code Editors in 2021

 Well, hello, python programmers, this is themidom, today in this post you will know about the best IDEs for python (online as well as offline), so just stick with the blog.

Before getting to know about the best IDEs, let us know, what is IDE, IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. It is used for speeding up the development of any program. Now, if you are a beginner I recommend not going with any IDE because an IDE can slow down your learning capability.

So, first, learn the basic syntax like importing modules, loops, if-else conditions, etc. After reaching a certain level, you can be eligible for IDE, and IDE is normally used for medium or big projects.

Ok, guys now, it's time to know the best offline python IDE.

1) Pycharm:

Well, for most python programmers, pycharm is the first and foremost choice. It comes in two versions, community and professional. The community version is free, whereas you will get a free trial for the professional version, and for further use, you need to pay a subscription.
pycharm comes with all the features of IDE, you can have IntelliSense(which helps you to write code faster), a proper theme, a terminal, and a python package installer.
Pycharm is quite a large file, you can download it as per your Operating System's requirement. You can get pycharm just by visiting its website. You can google pycharm, click the first link and you will be on a page like this:

Click on download, then select the os as per your requirement, and then it will just automatically install. And it is also a multilingual editor, so if you code in javascript or a web developer, you can stick with pycharm.

2) Visual Studio Code:

So, the next best IDE for python is visual studio code, it is a lightweight code editor and best for almost every programming language. 
You can get it for free. If you want to get it first, you need to write visual studio code in your respective web browser, then click on the first link, you will get a page like this:

click on windows, if you are using Windows, macOS and Linux users click on the respective buttons. Then after downloading, install it.
And after downloading, open it and click on the extension tab:

And write python in the search bar, and click on the first one, and click on the install button. Now you can use python in VS code, for IntelliSense, you can use third-party autocomplete software like tabnine, kite, etc.

3) Eclipse:

Another best IDE for python is Eclipse. It is a multilingual editor, supports many languages. The problem with the editor is that it is quite hard to install, beginners face difficulties during installing. 

It is developed by the Eclipse Foundation. And it is free, and it is also available for Windows, Macintosh, Linux. And the installation process is a little bit hard to explain, so if you want to install then just comment below, I will present with a video explanation.

4) Microsoft Visual Studio:

Now, this is also a good IDE for developers, but it isn't widely used. If you are a beginner, then I recommend not to use it. It is quite a large file, and it comes with free as well as paid versions.
It has a separate extension for python, so you are good to go if you want to use it.

5) Spyder:

It is a default IDE of anaconda(distribution of R and python). It is also a user-friendly IDE, comes with a default terminal. It is a free and open-source IDE.

You can download it as per your operating system's requirements. 

6) IDLE:

IDLE is the default editor for python, it doesn't have any IntelliSense, and it doesn't have any package or extension downloader. It has the feature of syntax highlighting, text alignment. 
If you are a beginner, you can use it, using this IDE you can learn to code faster and can learn the syntax. As I told you earlier it is the default IDE of python, so obviously it is free. It also comes with a default terminal, where you can execute python code.

And for this you only python installed in your system. you can get it by right click on any python file, you will get the option of "edit with IDLE" then hover your cursor on it, you will get the option of python and click on it, now you can edit the python file.

Now it's time to know about some online python editors:

🔳 Replit 

-> It is one of the best online multilingual editors. you can use it to edit your python script. As it is online, you can even edit python scripts on your mobile, which is quite helpful, for those who don't have a PC. 

If you want to get it, just google Replit, and then you click on the first link, you will be navigated to the website, and the rest of the things you can figure out easily.

Here, I am mentioning some websites, who provides python editor:
1) programiz
2) tutorialspoint
3) w3cschool
4) pythonanywhere
5) Ideone

So, programmers, start your coding today and remember one thing, never quit, even if you are stuck in the worst situation.
Now, I am taking leave programmers, see ya in the next post, and thank you for your time.
                                                --- A.S. Themidom😇😇

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